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Composition II - ENG 102: Databases

This guide provides resources for Compsition II: ENG 102

What is a database?

Question mark - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopediaWhat is a database?

It is an organized collection of information that allows a user to search for a particular topic, article, or book. You can search for these in a variety of ways. For example: with keywords, subject, author, or title. 

Information found through internet search engines such as Google are free, but the best information is costly. Library subscriptions are purchased because these databases contain scholarly peer-reviewed articles in periodicals (magazines). SRC library services pay a fee to database providers in order to access these licensed collections. 

Library databases allow you to efficiently search for published information such as magazine, journal, and newspaper articles. Library databases can be general (all disciplines) or discipline-specific (e.g. a psychology database).

Here is a link to all of the library databases on the LRC|Library website. 

EBSCO Databases

